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Know More about Indbro Brown Eggs

INDBRO Brown Eggs are produced by Indbro Brown Layers bred by the company R&D involving 15 years of scientific research in statistical selection of more productive birds among four genetically identifiable lines. The four lines are used in crossing at specific places decided by multiple tests at various locations.

The day old chicks produced at the company’s own hatchery are sexed ( females separated from males) and Vaccinated against Marek’s disease before dispatching them to the predetermined destinations.

Some of the day old chicks produced by the company at their hatchery are reared under disease free conditions. These birds are vaccinated against many known poultry diseases during the growing stage (before 16 weeks of age) according to a program decided basing on the local disease situation.

The company also is advising, helping and promoting “Mother Units” which undertake the brooding, growing and vaccination process on “All in All out” basis closure to the designated laying units. A typical mother unit rearing 6000 birds supplies to 30 units of 200 each in one shift. The mother unit does 3 shifts supplying a total of 90 units with 18000 birds in an year thus producing 54.00 lakhs of eggs during the next one year in the remote rural areas.  

After 16 weeks the birds are shifted to the final housing quarters where they live for an year. The layer birds are maintained under cage free condition with good Biosecurity. The large sized Brown eggs are infertile with thicker albumen and darker yolk. The birds are fed on the company feed prepared without addition of any antibiotics or chemical enhancers. At present the company is promoting clusters of small farms owned and managed by very small farmers. In many cases the existing cattle sheds which are abandoned are revived to be used for this purpose. Thus the company promotes production of eggs in the rural areas. The home grown eggs are naturally consumed by the house holds, pregnant women, growing children, students, working adults and senior citizens who are all benefited with the nutritive attributes of the eggs.


Indbro Research & Breeding Farms Pvt. Ltd. Based at Hyderabad, Telangana is a purely Indian company with 20 years of Research Back ground in poultry breeding. The “Make in India” products of Indian origin company are recognized by Government of India as most suitable for Indian farming. The products are also popular in Africa & Nepal.

Indbro Brown Laye is a product of 15 years of research. The birds are well adapted to hot climates, Lower quality of feed and low grade disease situations which cannot be avoided under suboptimal management conditions so common in rural organic farming.

The world is clamouring for Animal welfare. Human beings need birds with good output but also should thrive well under lower grade organic management. The welfare activists want.

  1. The birds should move freely. Live with enough space. The feather of the birds should not touch others when they flutter their wings.
  2. The birds should  be able to jump and have a perch to rest on.
  3. The birds should roll in the dust and take a dust bath.
  4. No cruelty in restriction of movement in cages or due to debeaking.

Indbro Brown layers are being reared in cattle sheds converted to deep litter sheds preferably with a run around the shed for roaming during “HAPPY HOURS” after 3PM. They will have access to greens grown outside. 

There are no males in the flock and the eggs are 100% INFERTILE. The vegetarians can eat the lifeless eggs in place of vegetables with better nutrition and immunity status. The infertile eggs can be kept fresh for longer time in moderate temperatures.

Indbro Brown Layers are also being distributed for back yard poultry at 10 to 15 birds per house hold. 8 to 10 eggs, produced without effort are consumed by the house hold, thus the nutritional status of the country is enhances. The surplus eggs can be sold and some income is generated for the house wife. No wonder, Bill Gates foundation calls a hen in Africa, an ATM of the house wife.


The clean Indbro Brown eggs are freshly packed in packs of 6 eggs and 30 eggs and are delivered on order. The eggs can be kept at room temperature for a week and for three months under refrigeration.

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